Transpersonal counseling and
alternative therapies for
transitions and transformation.
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Transpersonal Counseling and Psychology
What is Transpersonal Psychology?
Transpersonal psychology draws on ancient Eastern traditions as well as incorporating modern western scientific methods.
Transpersonal psychology (TP) works as a framework to facilitate self-discovery and self-mastery in achieving ones highest potential. TP integrates traditional forms of psychology, which focus mainly on the ego and personality, while also including higher levels of human functioning extending beyond our ego. This integration of self and higher awareness results in a balance of body, mind and spirit to achieve transformation.
Transpersonal counseling is spiritual counseling however, it is NOT religious. Transpersonal translates to - Beyond the Person or Self. It incorporates our connection to something greater (beyond our self) our connection to our life source. Sessions will include the incorporation of God, the Divine, the Universe, Higher Consciousness, or whichever term(s) you most prefer. The sessions are intended to help you utilize your connection to something greater than yourself and to draw strength, purpose and clarity from that.
Transpersonal counseling creates an environment where you can feel safe and supported to explore topics that are most meaningful at the heart of who you are. A Transpersonal therapist will not tell you what to do, or what is wrong. Instead your therapist will help guide and facilitate your own self discovery. It is a beautiful process and extremely powerful and effective when you discover who you fully are.
"Transpersonal psychologists attempt to integrate timeless wisdom with modern Western psychology and translate spiritual principles into scientifically grounded, contemporary language. Transpersonal psychology addresses the full spectrum of human psychospiritual development -- from our deepest wounds and needs, to the existential crisis of the human being, to the most transcendent capacities of our consciousness." As written by Mariana Caplan in the book Eyes Wide Open: Cultivating Discernment on the Spiritual Path.
Originally founded in the 60's by Abraham Maslow the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology began publication in 1969 and in 1971 the Association for Transpersonal Psychology was established. TP was seen as a fourth force in psychology. The first three being Psychoanalysis, Cognitive Behavior Psychology and Humanistic Psychology. The first three branches of psychology were all missing one element found to be key and that is the acknowledgment of the role of spirituality.
The core assumption of Transpersonal Psychology is that people are first and foremost Spiritual beings.
One noticeable difference with a Transpersonal Counselor is that the therapist's role is one of a facilitator or guide, leading the patient to access their own resources of inner wisdom and achieve self-discovery. While a session can seem similar to a more traditional talk thereapy session, elements often included in a transpersonal session can range from meditation, breath work, yoga, dream work, prayer and energy work. Elements always included in a session are empathy, compassion, non-judgment and our fundamental oneness and unity.
Transpersonal counseling is guidance along life's journey assisting you on the path to your true happiness.